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12 July 2023

Navigate the Changing Tide of Global Higher Education in the 14th AUN Rectors’ Meeting

Ninnart Ratanasukhon, AUN Programme Officer
Change is fast approaching on all fronts, but ASEAN universities are ready to take on it. In the 14th AUN Rectors’ Meeting held on 5 July 2023, with the gracious hosting of Universiti Malaya, leaders from AUN Universities demonstrated how ASEAN higher education can navigate the changing tide of global higher education. Is AI changing education as we know it? Is knowledge from universities no longer relevant? Hear it from the leaders of AUN Universities.
13 December 2024

The AUN Quality Master Awards

Patitin Lertnaikiat, AUN Programme Officer
In the afternoon of the AUN-QA IC 2024 on 11 December, Dr. Choltis Dhirathiti, ASEAN University Network (AUN) Executive Director representing the Chairman of the ASEAN University Network Board of Trustees, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nantana Gajaseni, Former AUN Executive Director and Former Chairperson of the AUN-QA Council, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thanapan Laiprakobsup, Deputy Executive Director of AUN, for the first time in the history of AUN and AUN-QA, had the honor to present the AUN Quality Master Awards by adorning the honorary suits and bestowing the AUN Quality Master Medals to distinguished individuals for their lifetime contributions to the AUN and AUN-QA. The awardees of the AUN Quality Master ceremony were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tan Kay Chuan and Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, who have proven throughout the decades of AUN-QA’s lifetime their commitment and dedication to quality improvement and development in ASEAN higher education. Furthermore, the event also represents an important milestone for the AUN-QA thematic network in how far it has grown since its inception with the support of all of its stakeholders.
25 October 2024

AUN Delegation Engaged in the China Higher Education International Week

Patitin Lertnaikiat, AUN Programme Officer
Throughout the China Higher Education International Week from 10 - 15 October 2024 in Beijing, the ASEAN University Network (AUN) Secretariat delegation led by Dr. Choltis Dhirathiti, AUN Executive Director, engaged in the 3rd Global University Association Forum (GUAF) as one of its member associations to represent the ASEAN region in the mission of universities tackling global challenges. The delegation also participated in the 24th International Forum on Higher Education (IFHE) and 20th International Association of University Presidents (IAUP) Triennial Conference, with Dr. Choltis as a speaker in the session “International Scientific and Cultural Cooperation: Case Sharing” and “AI and the Future of Higher Education”, respectively. Overall, the China Higher Education International Week provided valuable opportunities for higher education institutions worldwide to engage in fruitful dialogue in regard to digitalisation and recent developments in the education landscape.
16 August 2024

AUN Quality Master Awards Honours Exemplary Individuals with Lifelong Contributions to the Network and the Region’s Higher Education Quality Standardisation

Noppanun Sookping, AUN Programme Officer
Quality assurance has been a cornerstone of the ASEAN University University (AUN) through the work of AUN Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) for almost three decades since its beginning. Much of the Network’s progress is largely thanks to exceptional individuals whose enduring contributions to AUN-QA have advanced its resources, frameworks, and operations. In recognition of their lifelong commitment and contributions to AUN and AUN-QA, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tan Kay Chuan and Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin were announced as the recipients of the one-of-a-kind honorary “AUN Quality Master Awards” at the 15th AUN Rectors’ Meeting and the 39th AUN Board of Trustee Meeting on 18-19 July 2024.
19 July 2024

Capturing AUN Yearly Progress, Results and Achievements: Launching AUN Annual Report 2023-2024

Noppanun Sookping, AUN Programme Officer
As the ASEAN University Network (AUN) rounds up its progress, results and achievements over the past 12 months from July 2023 until June 2024, the AUN Secretariat published two publications to encapsulate the outputs of the network throughout the year. The AUN Annual Report 2023-2024 summarises the results and progress throughout the year, highlighting as well the Network’s outstanding achievements and priority areas. Meanwhile, the Compilation of Selected Features from AUN E-Newsletter June 2023-July 2024 (Issues #161 - #215) compiles all the results reported to the general public based on 61 issues of the AUN E-newsletters. Both publications are now accessible on the website.
5 July 2024

19th ASEAN and 9th ASEAN+3 Youth Cultural Forum in Brunei Darussalam Fosters Deep Understanding and Appreciation of Art and Culture Among Youth Delegates from Across the ASEAN+3 Region

Noppanun Sookping, AUN Programme Officer
The 19th ASEAN and 9th ASEAN+3 Youth Cultural Forum “Futuring Together towards Preserving Art and Culture" was organised in Brunei Darussalam on 23-28 June 2024, hosted by Universiti Brunei Darussalam. The forum brought together 148 student delegates from 27 universities across the ASEAN+3 region on a collaborative venture to develop deep understanding and appreciation of the region's art and cultural heritages, culminating with lifelong friendship and invaluable experiences co-created by all the students and the academic staff involved.
21 June 2024

Off to an Exciting Start, AUN Summer Camp 2024 in Brunei Darussalam and The Philippines is Just the Beginning

Patitin Lertnaikiat, AUN Programme Officer
An exciting debut for AUN Summer Camp! For the month of June 2024, two of AUN Summer Camp 2024 programmes were conducted at Brunei Darussalam and The Philippines with over 120 students combined to partake in immersive hands-on experiences with insightful lectures and seminars to build young academics into leading global talents. Continue on to the full article to get an in-depth view of the thrilling activities that the students of AUN Member Universities from 10 ASEAN nations were able to experience with Universiti Brunei Darussalam in Brunei Darussalam and Ateneo de Manila University in collaboration with De La Salle University in the Philippines.
14 June 2024

9th AUN-QA Assessment at Institutional Level at Lac Hong University (LHU) Continues the Network’s Mission in Enhancing ASEAN Higher Education Institutions’ Management and Quality

Noppanun Sookping, AUN Programme Officer
On 10-14 June 2024, ASEAN University Network - Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) conducted the 9th AUN-QA Assessment at Institutional Level at Lac Hong University (LHU). This assessment provides continuation to the Network’s mission to promote university management and quality assurance through the implementation of the AUN-QA Guide to Institutional Assessment Version 3.0.
14 June 2024

Global University Associations Forum (GUAF)’s Webinar “Challenges and Opportunities in Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education: Global Perspectives”

Ninnart Ratanasukhon, AUN Programme Officer
GUAF Members reaffirmed its support for the adoption for the UNESCO Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in this webinar exploring existing challenges, opportunities, and operation terrain for the adoption of UNESCO’s ground-breaking convention that champions the rights to fair and transparent qualifications recognition for all.
26 April 2024

AUS-AUN Engagement: AUN Secretariat Strengthened Ties with Different Key Stakeholders of Australian Higher Education Sector in the Victorian Universities Roundtable

AUN Writer Team,
As ASEAN and Australia commemorated the 50th Anniversary of the ASEAN-Australia Dialogue Relationships; the AUN Secretariat, with facilitation by ASEAN Focus Group (AFG) and Study Melbourne, had the opportunity to deepen the ties between AUN and different key stakeholders of Australian higher education sector including seven Victorian universities, THE, NEAS Australia, and more in the Victorian Universities Roundtable under the ASEAN-Australia Education Dialogue. With academic exchange being one of the bedrocks for people-to-people relationships, the Victorian higher education sector has been enthusiastic in exploring and fostering new ties with the ASEAN region.
18 April 2024

4th AUN-AYCF Thailand Chapter Underscores University’s Fundamental Role in Preservation and Talent Cultivation of Art and Cultural Heritages

Noppanun Sookping, AUN Programme Officer
Art and culture play a large role in promoting harmonious artistic and spiritual pursuits of humankind and driving socioeconomic development through the creative industry. Recognising that higher education is key to safeguarding art and culture while fostering creative industries, the 4th AUN-ASEAN+3 Youth Cultural Forum Thailand Chapter (AUN-AYCF Thailand) was organised on 6-11 April 2024 in Chiang Mai, Thailand, bringing together over 120 of the country’s young talents in art, theatre and performance to learn, practice and showcase various traditional and contemporary art forms prevalent not only in Thailand, but also across the ASEAN region.
15 March 2024

Introducing AUN Experts: Official AUN-QA Assessors

Ninnart Ratanasukhon, AUN Programme Officer
Since its establishment in 1998, the ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) Network has continuously grown to become a leading regional network of higher education quality assurance in ASEAN, with a team of seasoned experts and professionals driving its mission. In this third instalment of the AUN Expert Series, we proudly spotlight the Official AUN-QA Assessors, the bedrock of the AUN-QA Programme Assessment and AUN-QA Institutional Assessment.
1 March 2024

Introducing AUN Experts: Official AUN-QA Training Specialists

Ninnart Ratanasukhon, AUN Programme Officer
AUN-QA Trainings serve as the venue for disseminating the seed of quality assurance culture and nurturing the next generation of quality assurance practitioners for the ASEAN higher education sector. In this second instalment of the Introducing AUN Experts series, we would like to introduce you to the official AUN-QA Training Specialists who are leading this mission with top-notch insight and valuable lessons to the quality assurance community of ASEAN.
21 December 2023

2023 Wrap Up: AUN Activities Overview

Patitin Lertnaikiat, AUN Programme Officer
2023 has been a highly eventful year for the ASEAN University Network (AUN) Secretariat and its thematic networks as many events and activities returned after the COVID pandemic subsided. As such, the AUN Secretariat is proud to present a wrap up to 2023, showcasing all the university network’s major events and activities throughout the year!
1 December 2023

AUN-HPN’s 8th International Advisory Committee Shared Best Practices and Acknowledged Growing Mental Health Concerns

Patitin Lertnaikiat, AUN Programme Officer
Staying healthy is critical to living a good life, but it has become increasingly difficult to do so in this current age of technology-enhanced convenience, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, and other related habits. Following the pandemic, the world has also seen the rise of mental health issues caused by the limited social interaction due to prolonged isolation. At the ASEAN University Network Health Promotion Network (AUN-HPN) 8th International Advisory Committee (IAC) meeting, the network’s member universities gather once again to address these pressing health issues in society and share their best practices in health promotion mission.
23 November 2023

"Management and Strategy: How AUN-HPN Became a Driving Force for Regional Health Promotion" Has Officially Launched

Noppanun Sookping, AUN Programme Officer
Since its establishment in 2014, ASEAN University Network Health Promotion Network (AUN-HPN) has been actively contributing to university health promotion across the ASEAN region. In this connection, the book "Management and Strategy: How AUN-HPN Became a Driving Force for Regional Health Promotion" has been published by the AUN Secretariat team in coordination with AUN-HPN to observe and catalogue the good practices in managing the thematic network of universities. To do so, this book focuses on the work and perspectives of AUN-HPN’s past and current thought leaders as well as the observation of AUN-HPN flagship activities.
17 November 2023

AUN-ICT Workshop Returned for Deepened Discussion on Quality Standardisation of University's ICT System and Management

AUN Writer Team,
Prince of Songkla University (PSU), in collaboration with the Institute of Software Engineering and Quality Management (ISEM) and ASEAN University Network (AUN), co-hosted the workshop on the Quality Standardization of University's ICT System and Management (AUN-ICT) On 7-8 November 2023 in Bangkok. Set to continue with the work resulting from its first iteration, this workshop delved further into detail of what can ensure the success of AUN-ICT development and implementation as a world-class, comprehensive and multifaceted standardisation framework tailored specifically for universities.
2 November 2023

The AUN-QA IQA Redesign Taskforce Team Assembled to Set the Path Forward for ASEAN IQA

Patitin Lertnaikiat, AUN Programme Officer
Following the success of the Internal Quality Assurance System Design and Development Workshop in March 2023, Viet Nam, the AUN-QA IQA Redesign Taskforce was established and recently conducted its first meeting on 20 - 21 October 2023 in Bangkok. Through the intensive discussion on existing Viet Nam and Cambodia IQA frameworks and the root-cause analysis of the workshop in Viet Nam, the outcome of this meeting will pave the way for the future of ASEAN IQA and the task force will be at the forefront!
19 July 2023

Continuing Strong in the Tide of Change: AUN’s Success Recapped in the 38th AUN-BOT Meeting

Ninnart Ratanasukhon, AUN Programme Officer
The 38th ASEAN University Network Board of Trustees (AUB-BOT) Meeting concluded with an astounding success on 6 July 2023, with gracious hosting from Universiti Malaya. This annual meeting serves as an opportunity for the members of AUN’s Board of Trustees to be updated on the latest activities of AUN, discuss its direction, and set a vision for its future. This year, the members of our Board of Trustees were up for a long list!
12 July 2023

Navigate the Changing Tide of Global Higher Education in the 14th AUN Rectors’ Meeting

Ninnart Ratanasukhon, AUN Programme Officer
Change is fast approaching on all fronts, but ASEAN universities are ready to take on it. In the 14th AUN Rectors’ Meeting held on 5 July 2023, with the gracious hosting of Universiti Malaya, leaders from AUN Universities demonstrated how ASEAN higher education can navigate the changing tide of global higher education. Is AI changing education as we know it? Is knowledge from universities no longer relevant? Hear it from the leaders of AUN Universities.
13 December 2024

The AUN Quality Master Awards

Patitin Lertnaikiat, AUN Programme Officer
In the afternoon of the AUN-QA IC 2024 on 11 December, Dr. Choltis Dhirathiti, ASEAN University Network (AUN) Executive Director representing the Chairman of the ASEAN University Network Board of Trustees, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nantana Gajaseni, Former AUN Executive Director and Former Chairperson of the AUN-QA Council, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thanapan Laiprakobsup, Deputy Executive Director of AUN, for the first time in the history of AUN and AUN-QA, had the honor to present the AUN Quality Master Awards by adorning the honorary suits and bestowing the AUN Quality Master Medals to distinguished individuals for their lifetime contributions to the AUN and AUN-QA. The awardees of the AUN Quality Master ceremony were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tan Kay Chuan and Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, who have proven throughout the decades of AUN-QA’s lifetime their commitment and dedication to quality improvement and development in ASEAN higher education. Furthermore, the event also represents an important milestone for the AUN-QA thematic network in how far it has grown since its inception with the support of all of its stakeholders.
16 February 2024

Introducing AUN Experts: Qualifications Frameworks, Systems, and Management

2023 marked a fruitful year for AUN, with AUN taking the lead in several high-impact programmes and actively collaborating with its valuable partners to drive institutional capabilities and contribute to the university’s internationalisation. In this upcoming series of articles, allow us to introduce the experts whose continuous collaboration has been and will be leading the path towards progress amplification and solidification for AUN’s initiatives and projects in 2024. Starting off this week, we would like to introduce our Experts of Qualifications Frameworks, Systems, and Management. These luminaries are the driving force behind the qualifications transformation in the ASEAN region through Tuning Methodology's curriculum design and the development of Recognition Mechanisms in the CALOHEA Project.